Piotr Pawłowski Memorial Fund
Dear Friends!
Piotr Pawłowski passed away on 1.10.2018. This sudden and unexpected loss made us realize how important is the role of the leader; the leader who – with the great passion and engagement, as well as extraordinary personality and determination – implements his mission. We would like to see Piotr followers; we would like the to continue his work since there is still a lot to be done in the area of problems of people with disabilities.
We would like the Piotr Pawłowski Fund to be his “living memorial” supporting active leaders working for the whole environment of people with disabilities.
Establishing the Fund coincided with the Integration 25th anniversary. I considered it a good occasion to invite at least 25 friends to the group of 25 social shareholders of the Piotr Pawłowski memorial fund. I would like the “shareholders” to share with us, for example by organizing birthday collections for the Fund, rather than hold “shares”.
I’m counting on your long-term involvement, at least as permanent as your relations and friendships with Piort used to be. I invite you warmly to join the group of the Piotr Pawłowski Memorial Fund’s social shareholders!
Ewa Pawłowska
Piotr Pawłowski Memorial Fund bank account number:
79 1600 1462 1815 7126 8000 0007